A quiet scream in a noisy world

The world (Internet) right now is filled with twitter threads, substack or twitter or the latest newsletters, podcasts, articles, listicles, longreads, short bursts (tweets) and whatnots. And that’s just text. Enter the world of video and there’s everything from youtube videos to trending reels/ tiktoks (depending on what part of the world you live in at the moment), whatsapp forwards, facebook videos and more. And then, there are memes. (My favorite form of communication)

There’s so much being said. So much being opined. So much being lost.

That’s not my intention – to add to the noise. No opinions, No deep philosophical or moral commentaries or motivational stories of some struggler who’s made it big. My intention here is to block out all the chaos and the noise and just talk about one thing.

My Mom.


About two months ago we discovered that her cancer has come back. Stage 4 this time with literally no solution or palliative relief available with modern science. We’ve been told to just ‘make the most of the time left’. And this event has helped create absolute clarity in life.

I don’t want to write more about her at the moment. Neither do I have anything profound to offer.

I just wanted to shout out alone on the top of a mountain without anyone being able to hear me. This is me doing just that.